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Tech Talk

Review: Plaato Keg Management System

The concept behind Plaato’s Keg Management System (PKMS) is to measure the beer levels in your keg. My initial thought was: why would I need to know this? Surely picking the keg up is the simple way to know what level you have. So I was eager to learn if there were any benefits to this equipment.

Tech Talk

5L Mini Keg

Yep, this 5L mini keg homebrew draught system is really as cool as it looks! If you want yourself a home pub/man-cave without the hassle and cost of building one then get your hands on one of these beauties. The 5L mini keg is an ideal starter kit for any homebrewer and can be used to enjoy a fine beverage at home or taken out on the move.

Tech Talk

The BrewZilla Gen 3

If you’re new to homebrewing, or looking to transition from extract brewing, all grain brewing can seem complicated and intimidating to get started. This is why we’ve fallen in love with the BrewZilla.