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News Hydroponic Hops Devon UK

Welcome to the Hop-a-Dome

We have been dabbling with growing our hops hydroponically since we started in 2016. But this year was the year to go large. The year when all the pieces finally fell into place. After handpicking a selection of Chinook hops we installed them into our amazing Hydroponic lab: the “Hop-a-dome”, a 5m (height) x 10m (diameter) geodesic dome.

News beer homebrewing events uk

Homebrewing & beer events 2020

Love beer or homebrewing? Course you do! Here are a handpicked selection of great events to quench your thirst, entertain and inspire you.

News hop farm uk

Notes from the hop farm – Spring 2020

The new season is upon us again. After coming back from our winter travels, bubbling with ideas and improvements to move the farm forwards, we donned our wellies to see what winter had done to the land. The farm in all respects is looking well, considering the battering it’s had in the off season. With winds of up to 80mph and incessant rain it seems that the winter storms have not let up since we left in November.


Yellow Belly Imperial Stout

Free from nuts… and cowardice. In an age where additions are liberally used to bring interesting flavours into brews the idea of a stout that tastes of peanut butter and biscuits yet contains neither is intriguing to say the least. And if that isn’t interesting enough the backstory and the end story makes a for a cracking tale while propping up the bar.


Cover art issue01

We’re featuring the art work by the amazing multimedia artisit Trxtr in this issue for a couple of reasons. Firstly, we really love his work: a visual feast with a powerful message! Our hop farm is also right next door to the fantastic couple that run Red Propeller Gallery, who represent the artist. So they’re very much rooted in our journey as a hop farm. We’ve shared one or two homebrews over the past couple of years, as you’ll imagine!



Not Just a Hop Subscription Box! We want to ignite your passion for homebrewing. Offering the support, encouragement, hops and kit to help cultivate your homebrewing journey. We give our members a 10% discount on every purchase of homebrew equipment and hops to help make this addictive craft more accessible.