Author Yohanna Best

MASHED! Editorial Director, Writer & Designer. Favourite brew: I’m loving session brews at the mo - like BrewDog’s Dead Pony Club, or something citrusy like Gareth’s brew with Bramling Cross & Magnum hops plus orange peel.


Beers that are hot in Oz

Proving their weight as more than a fad, fruited sour beers have started to get a firm foothold in the Australian beer market.

News beer homebrewing events uk

Homebrewing & beer events 2020

Love beer or homebrewing? Course you do! Here are a handpicked selection of great events to quench your thirst, entertain and inspire you.

Community Dark Farm brew crew

Meet your new brew crew

There’s so much to love about homebrewing. One major sell for many is the awesome community, always generous to help out with advice, tips, tricks and a sample or two of their latest brew.

Features Dad & Dave's Brewing

Down Under with Dad & Dave’s Brewing

The beer scene in Australia has come a long way since the days of mainstream watery lager. Discerning Aussies certainly would give a XXXX for anything else. Something with a hell of a lot more taste and soul. Thankfully, much like in the UK, the craft beer scene in Oz is super interesting and Australia is now home to around 700 small, independent, passionate craft breweries, brew pubs and contract brewers. All supported by a strong community of craft beer lovers.

Recipes wet hop pale ale recipe

Cascade wet hop Pale Ale recipe

This recipe uses wet hops, which you’ll need to use shortly after harvesting. Read how Steve (one of our awesome Brew Crew) grew his own hops for this brew here.

Brewery Spotlight eco friendly brewing

Sustainable brewing

Unless you’ve been permanently drunk for the past year – hey, no judgment (just kidding, drink responsibly, kids) – you can’t have failed to notice that there’s a bit of a climate emergency going on.


Yellow Belly Imperial Stout

Free from nuts… and cowardice. In an age where additions are liberally used to bring interesting flavours into brews the idea of a stout that tastes of peanut butter and biscuits yet contains neither is intriguing to say the least. And if that isn’t interesting enough the backstory and the end story makes a for a cracking tale while propping up the bar.


How to Host a Beer Tasting

“What is civilisation if it isn’t people talking to each other over a goddamned beer?” wrote James S.A. Corey in his science fiction novel, Cibola Burn. We couldn’t agree more!

Brewery Spotlight

Introducing The Spice Boys

A swift pint with Homebrewer Richard Boyden. “I love adding all sorts of things to my beer recipes. Things like fruit, cacao, spices, breadcrumbs and even woodchips have found their way in.