Author Yohanna Best

MASHED! Editorial Director, Writer & Designer. Favourite brew: I’m loving session brews at the mo - like BrewDog’s Dead Pony Club, or something citrusy like Gareth’s brew with Bramling Cross & Magnum hops plus orange peel.

Hop Focus fuggle hops


As this edition is all about British homebrewing ingredients we’ve chosen the classic British hop Fuggle as our hop of the issue. Bred first in the UK in 1875 by Mr Richard Fuggle from Kent, the Fuggle hop has been the backbone of British since its creation.

Features Paults Malts

Pauls Malts: Master Maltsers since Early Times

by Lawrence Plant. “From sending our delivery boats to rescue British troops from Dunkirk in 1940 to supplying homebrewers with malt in 2020, Pauls Malts have a rich and solid history as a British producer. “

Tips how to start a homebrewing club

How to start a homebrewing club

You quite like homebrewing and you have your own set-up at home that you are very proud of. You can only drink a certain amount of beer so you only brew maybe once a month or two. You talk to your friends about brewing and they are vaguely interested, but it’s something that you do and they don’t. They might have joined you a couple of times to brew together and have enjoyed the experience but aren’t taking it further.

Features whirlpooling homebrewing

Whirlpooling technique for homebrewing

Commercial breweries use whirlpooling as an important process in beer production. Essentially, whirlpooling separates hops and trub from wort after the wort boil. But homebrewers can use whirlpools just like the big guys. It’s an easy process to include in your brew day and can greatly improve the quality of your beers. If you have a spoon, you can whirlpool!