Author Yohanna Best

MASHED! Editorial Director, Writer & Designer. Favourite brew: I’m loving session brews at the mo - like BrewDog’s Dead Pony Club, or something citrusy like Gareth’s brew with Bramling Cross & Magnum hops plus orange peel.

Features Yeast for homebrewing

The Number of the Yeast

Proudly standing at the ‘intersection of science, education and craft’ White Labs are pushing boundaries to set new standards within the art of fermentation. They recently launched new low alcohol strain yeast in homebrew sizes so we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to reach out to them for this, our small beer issue.

Brewery Spotlight The Wild Beer Co

The Wild Beer Co

Wild Beer Co are on a mission to change our perception of beer with exciting, complex, wild brews. Founded in October 2012 by Andrew Cooper and Brett Ellis, Wild Beer Co produce their boundary-pushing beer from their farmhouse brewery, idyllically set amongst the rolling Somerset hills, giving them a unique terroir.

Brewery Spotlight Small Beer Brew Co

Small Beer Brew Co

With young families to look after and long days of work to conquer Felix James and James Grundy couldn’t be doing with hangovers. But they still wanted to kick back with a decent brew at the end of the day. While they appreciated their downtime, you should know that these aren’t two guys who sit around moaning. Their frustration at the lack of consistently good and widely available lower strength beers gave them an awesome vision for a whole new movement within the world of beer.

Recipes Craft cider recipe

Recipe: cider

Check out this great craft cider recipe by Mark Rudge from Wasted Apple. “I am a real believer in people having a go – just ‘do it and learn’. I have tried to construct this simple recipe in a way that will encourage anyone to give it a go, with the minimum of equipment.”

Brewery Spotlight wasted apple craft cider

Wasted Apple Craft Cider

Based in St Austell, Wasted Apple make handcrafted traditional Cornish cider and award winning apple juice. You get a sweet double whammy with Wasted Apple cider: the exceptionally good end product, including their fantastic ‘Heritage’ range made from Cornish varieties of cider apples; and then there’s the environmental benefit.

Recipes small beer table bee recipe

2-for-1 Small Beer Recipe

Here’s an awesome all grain homebrew recipe from Small Beer Brew Co. Makes a 3.1% ABV lager and a 1.5% ABV dark lager.

Community Dark Farm homebrew crew

Meet more of our Brew Crew

Our Brew Crew is an awesome group of homebrewers from our equally as awesome community. A group separated by physical distance but unified with their love of homebrewing and their thirst – not just for the good stuff – but for knowledge to consistently aim for that perfect brew.

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