Author Gareth Davies

Hop Focus UK homebrewing

Hop Focus: Saaz

You may or may not have heard the term Noble hop before. Well, Saaz is one of the four main Noble hops alongside Hallertau, Spalt and Tettnang. The characteristics of all these hops are low in bitterness and high in aroma, making these hops ideal to brew up a European lager or pilsner, and is one of the headline hops in Stella Artois.

Tech Talk

Review: Plaato Keg Management System

The concept behind Plaato’s Keg Management System (PKMS) is to measure the beer levels in your keg. My initial thought was: why would I need to know this? Surely picking the keg up is the simple way to know what level you have. So I was eager to learn if there were any benefits to this equipment.

Recipes SA Skull Attack Dark Clone Recipe

Skull Attack Dark Recipe

When visiting Wales, I always make sure to stock up with a couple of Brains classic beers. Brains SA Dark wins a lot of attention at awards. This clone would hopefully be a close second.

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